Originally Posted by mrflip69
Probably the smartest post in this thread. Some of the hottest girls are the ones who don't realize it, or just plain don't give a sh*t.
How do most of you guys drive your Zs? Drive too fast/aggressive, and people think you're a self-righteous douche. Drive obnoxiously slow, and people will think you're... well, a self-righteous douche LOL!
Maybe you bought the car for its performance, so it would be a shame to cruise around just doing the speed limit? Maybe you don't want to waste your hard earned money by putting your car at risk with spirited driving?
We all make assumptions. I don't doubt that 'haters' exist out there. Me? I drive pretty beat looking cars, but I take reasonably good care of them. If I spot a Z, I get a little excited since I think it's a gorgeous car and still a pretty rare sight, even here in SoCal.
From some of these replies, I know a lot of you guys would get 'rubbed' the wrong way if I followed (not tailgated) you for a bit, or heaven forbid, park next to you, because I admired your car! 
Actually, this may be the smartest post in the thread. While I do not doubt anyone's story in this thread, the idea that you all drive like little angels is probably a stretch. It only takes one person acting like a fool to bring prejudice on an entire group.
The smallest mis-interpreted action can generate outrageous responses, especially in today's "it's all about me" society. Anyone driving a nice car, especially a heavily modded one, is going to draw attention to themselves, both good and bad.