Hey guys just wondering if any others out there are ordering plaques from DarkPath
and if so what are you getting yours to say in place of the build number?(Canadian build numbers are unavailable
I was thinking having that line say......
Canadian Edition
or something like that! lol anyway let me know what you think and other ideas you guys have!
I have also been making a list trying to get the build numbers associated with the last 4 digits of vin! If you haven't posted yet and would like to help please do! I will share my list later once I have more numbers from people! So far I have collected and will continue to collect! (If you guys will share!) the build numbers and the last 4 digits of vin! Whether you are from USA or Canada please feel free to share!
This list is showing me which cars have been built in sequence and when they had breaks in order and built something else in between! either that or the build numbers are total BULL SH!T!!!!
So please help my search by either adding your last 4 digits or your build if you haven't yet! Even if you just post them here I can forward it onto the other thread and continue my list!