Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
Ya there was a lot of people requesting one not just v8killer!
Also we are still waiting to her how others made out with the other springs they had found! Anyone have any luck?
Ok there's good news and bad news. The Fastenal spring I mentioned earlier doesn't work. The inside diameter of the spring doesn't fit correctly over the assembly. I ordered the day after I measured it and I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention when I placed the order.
The good news is that I found another spring after I realized the error that definitely does work. P/N 72577 at Century Spring is the winner
72577 - COMPRESSION SPRING - Part Characteristics | Century Spring Corp. The spring rate is roughly 20% of the stock spring and it feels very similar to running without the spring installed. The bad news is that you need to order 4 of them to meet their minimum order quantity.
Here are some pics of the Century spring
Stock is on the left, Century on the right