Originally Posted by geosZ
But after the condensation or humid is done did your car run good? What if I get different filters?
Thanks oh and did u reset the battery?
In my experience... Yes. It took 4 hours of the car running in an idle fashion before I was able to drive it again (usually had to let it run in the parking lot of my job).
Different filters might work, I was so irritated with this problem I just dropped the bomb and got rid of them entirely. Before I got to this point, I did see K&N had a filer replacement that was an oiled air filter. As I stated though, I didn't go this route.
As for the battery, I did reset the battery to clear the engine codes after I was certain the filters were once again dry.
Neatly to say, since I got rid of the Injens there have been no negative experiences driving in the rain.