Yeah, after a couple hundred shots on vacation, by the time I hit Bali, I was being a little experimental. Thanks for the heads up though, appreciate it. It is rather jarring to see the ground at an angle.
If I'm taking a picture of a long table, though, is there a good way to frame the shot? That was a photo I put a lot of thought into, and nothing else came out quite as well. Here's the other one I took, I thought it was 'meh' (and yes I'm aware it needs work in more way than one! That's why I'm trying to learn...):
...I'm a bit of a nut with taking food photos. I used to run a little food blog, so I guess it's still an old habit; but now that I have a DSLR I can actually take half decent photos, not just point, shoot, hope it wasn't terrible.
Any input on taking better shots of food would be appreciated - I might even start the blog up again