Originally Posted by mantella87
The other day I had an Ebay'd out Integra trying to drag race me or something on a bridge. Don't get me wrong, I love the Integra, especially when they're modded properly, but this guy's car looked worse than his stupid looking gang hat. It sounded awful and there was a gallon of Quaker State burning out the a$$ end when VTEC kicked in. I guess he failed 2nd grade math or something trying to approach a 370z like he would ever stand a chance. I paid no attention to him though. It took him 20 seconds to get above 60mph and I didn't even accelerate. His brakes sounded like a NYC Public Transit Greyhound. We met at the same light and he started making some stupid noises and stuff out his window, I guess he thought he just beat a 370 or something. 

rust bucket car vs a sports coupe....who will win?