Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
life goes on... just ordered some blu rays on sale to give me something to look forward to lol. scott pilgrim, seven, and curious case of benjamin button. all are on sale on amazon this week for good deals btw 
let me know how the curious case of benjamin button is, I can't quite bring myself to put in on my list.
Originally Posted by sexZness
Yeah it's tough when you realize the other person doesn't share your same values :/ well, like Lems said, enjoy your new time alone to do more of what you like :)
/\ like furiously masturbating??
Originally Posted by blue660r01
A- on my paper and presentation
Congrats man, nice job!
Way back in the day, if I had brought home that grade, my folks would have lambasted me as to why it wasn't an A+ and told me they were disappoint