Was at service department having my splash guards replaced for the 3rd time (still not fitting properly) and 2 things happened that freaked me out:
First, the service manager called me over to the tech when he was installing the new splash guards (tech was using gumgum adhesive that is usually used for windshields instead of tape). When I get to the tech I notice that my car is up on the lift and the lift arms in front are not situated properly. They were resting on the front of my rocker panels and control arms!!!!

I look underneath the car and everything is being pushed up. Tech says no damage is being done and I am being overly protective of my car.
Then, after the car is lowered, I notice that the top of the front bumperwhere it meets with the front quarter panel in front of the driver's side front wheel has chipped paint. The dealership says that they aren't responsible, but it was obvious that do to the incorrect lift arm position the panels flexed and rubbed. The worst part is it is right on the corner point and seam where it meets the quarter panel by the wheel well.
I tried to touch it up but it looks like sh*t. Silver touch up is so hard to match. Should I have the bumper repainted and how much does that usually cost?