Originally Posted by phunk
Why are we PMing everything? We have a dedicated thread for the topic here.
Can anyone who has the PMs just post up what is going on? Curious if anyone got their fenders, but my bet is that the state-side partner screwed them.
Hey Charlies,
We had few dealys by our partner and that was already worked out. Btw, I've sent you a PM a while ago to clear payment for your fenders.
Heres the updated fenders orders,
1) hyunsoo1803 FRP (Shipped)
2) 370z1 FRP (Shipped)
3) FastPaced FRP (At FedEx location)
4) phunk FRP (Waiting for payment)
5) Jquad FRP (At FedEx location)
6) Rsdntevl FRP (Deposit recieved)
7) JunoonX FRP (Deposit recieved)
8) cmmonte92 FRP (Deposit recieved)
9) Iwan72 (Deposit recieved)