Originally Posted by spearfish25
I've had this happen to me with my sport calipers a number of times. There are two theories. 1) the bleeder nipple/screw needs to be tightened a bit more. Once I tightened mine another 1/16 to 1/8 of a turn, no more leaking. 2) fluid is trapped in the top of the nipple when bleeding and then stays there (it's like a little cup since the screw faces upwards). Once you get the brakes nice and hot, it boils out the top of the nipple and runs down the caliper. In any event, it doesn't impact braking or brake fluid levels. So, no worries.
this seems to make sense- both sides had exact same "leak" amount and looked like happened when sitting still in paddock. Will bleed and tighten appropriately - may even shop vac out the top of nipple when done to get it dry. All good - the glen in september