Originally Posted by FromG2Z
^ hi Mike... yes, I agree, the first one was best. I believe I had 5 exposures for each of them. The 1st pic was good because I really had good lighting, plus my values were around -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2... which is perfect. The other ones were more closely spaced, and not even  There was definitely too much noice there. I need to get a remote trigger, because even though securely locked on tripod, pushing the button still initiates a slight shudder.
BTW, I use EASYHDR. It rocks. Photomatix was just ok... and picturenaut was only TIFF.... 
Use the timer if you don't have a trigger. Skip the wireless remote and go for the wired trigger. Its more responsive and easier to control.
I have been using Photomatix and it does get a little tricky sometimes. It seems like I always need to tweek it in Photoshop afterwards. I tried EasyHDR and found it was easier to get more natural looking HDR images with that program.