Originally Posted by CBRich
A leaf blower will launch dirt and other crap at your car at god awful speeds. I would not do that.
I was just thinking that. Isn't that the same as driving 200 MPH down the highway in a dust storm? OK maybe that's over exagerating but there is always debris around and do you want to be launching that into your clear coat?
....anyhow I washed the car last night and now I know why detailer use the chamois - it works great. The trick is to get a good sized one (kinda like using a face cloth instead of a towel.) The one I got was 5.5 sq feet and its plenty. Drape it over the hood an pull towards you and it sucks the water up in an instant. Now it takes more time to wring out the chamois than it does to dry. My artificial one works great but its not big enough and Costco had the real deal for $13 which was a lot cheaper than the other places. Finish off with a micro fiber towel and we're good to go. Chamois still smells like a rotten fish but its not oily after washing it three times with soapy water....