Thread: Car Audio 101
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Old 07-25-2009, 09:47 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Okay so a lot of you are starting to get comfortable with taking apart your Z to install a radio. But some of you might be still lost of do not want to spend a lot of cash on a fancy head unit. I am going to try to clear up what is good and what is bad out there. For a good DD head unit expect to spend anywhere from 600-1000 for a nice one, some DD do not have the NAV which in that case drops the price tremendously.

Alpine- Very nice head units, Great sound quality from the factory or even if you are using an aftermarket amp. Great Interface for the ipod as well, almost as if it was made for the ipod "which some are"

Boss- A very cheap name brand usually sold at walmart or flea markets. Not by any means great or just good. These units have crappy interface and the music signal that it sends out can actually make your system sound worse.

Cadance- This company is more known for there amplifiers than there head units. I have known no one that has used them or has tried them. IMO I would keep away.

Clarion- Still ahs one of the best top of the line SINGLE DIN head units for a SQ active setup. Only thing is that is almost a grand. There other normal head units are nice as well though I am not sure if they have to many choices for DD's. They are still something to keep in mind. My only beef with them there ugly.

Dual- Yet another name brand sold by flea markets and bargan stores. These units are like your lowest end that I would allow in a car, there lower end models are like pyles, and there nicer ones are like a cheap pioneer but not as good.

Eclipse- A fantastic head unit for a nice setup it is right up there with Alpine. There very nice head unti for the money and have a nice interface as well, the only one I may stay away from is the which they do not make anymore, which is the one that integrates a tom tom gps and you use that as your main screen and your gps.

Fahrenheit- Another low class name brand not even sold at flea markets some will try to trick you into these as if they are great units, there not, buyer beware.

Jensen- While not the top or middle class these do have a lot to offer, but it comes at a price. The screen is by no means a god one to look at gps let alone a movie, and the signals that it sends out for an external amp can have engine noise in it as well "not all cars" If you are looking for a low end one to put in your wife's car to make her mad this is the one.

JVC- Middle class head units, while I have not had much to do with them I still have played with a few and such. There flashy screens attract those teens that want that boom boom in the trunk. They are nice units and can be fairly easy to use, only for the money you can always get something better.

Kenwood- Fantastic interface with the best NAV and blu tooth I have seen in years. You can not beat these DD units. If you are looking for a nice Nav interface and a nice unit for music look no further.

Panasonic- If you can get past the flashy blue screen you may like them "single dins" The double dins are nice as well sprting a lot to offer for a good price, but as soon as you want to add nav you are slamed with an extra 500 bucks.

Pioneer- If you do not know me by now I have sort of a beef with pioneer. I started installing stereos 5 years ago. I have used pioneers and had nothing but problems "in my own and others" Problems from face plates dying. internal amps frying, cd's not ejecting, engine wining noise and so on. But I will say this there premier units are pretty nice, and the sound quality signal you get out of them is nice as well. There ipod interface is junk and slow. Other than that there not bad units.

Sony- This company use to be the milestone in sound quality and use to be the baddest company on the block. Now there commercialized junk. I have seen these units literally short themselves out, the power signal you get form there head units and amps are garbage and so on. Stay away!

Valor- Yes they look like a great package don't they? Do not be fooled another name brand just like pyle and Boss only a tad nice, they may look nice but that's all.

I hope this has helped you in some way. I know my reviews may of been a tad harsh but i have used them and know how they are.
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Last edited by bigaudiofanat; 11-21-2010 at 10:27 PM.
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