Two things, the new spring works like a charm and I found a way to take the play out!

If you look at the top bump stop for the clutch pedal assembly, you will see a bracket above where the white bump stop rests, housed in this bracket is a black square module with a black pin sticking out of it. In front of that black square module is a lock nut (see attached pic). I used a 14mm open head wrench (not an exact fit, but it worked) to loosen, once this is done, you can turn the black square module to protrude further down in the bracket. Once this is done tighten the nut back up, no more play. I will say that this is a royal pain in the @$$, not much room at all.
1. Find the top bump stop bracket, loosen the nut in front of the black square module.
2. Disconnect attached wire to prevent the wire from "bunching".
3. Turn black square module, (I believe clockwise) it took me 2 full turns to get the play out.
3. Depress clutch pedal and reset against bump stop to ensure play is gone.
4. Repeat step 2 if necessary.
5. Tighten nut.
6. Take her for a spin and enjoy!
Please see pic of bracket assembly, this will get you on your way.