Originally Posted by Nick911sc
Aperture setting should have no variable in the photo being blurred, a wide open aperture takes in more light, so if anything it should be less blurry since you need a slower shutter speed. Rule of thumb is.. Whatever the mm you're shooting at should be your minimum shutter speed. So if you're shooting at 50mm your minimum shutter speed for a non blurry photo should be AT LEAST 1/50 and so on.(I usually end up doubling if I can)
In those photos I was using a center focusing point, when you're shooting at a higher F stop the sharpness starts at the middle and progressively gets sharper towards the edges as the f stop increases, so really the whole picture should be sharp with the center shot being the sharpest.
Placement in the photo I'd also would say has to do with your general composition that you're looking for the photo overall. Rule of thirds, etc.
Do you own an external flash for your camera?
Thanks again, nick. i really appreciate your help.
huh, i thought apeture would determine DOF so a higher number was preferred if i wanted to get a big object like an entire car in focus..(?) maybe im mis-understanding the depth of say f/5.6 with 20mm lens 3meters away would be 1.325m near focus limit... ohhh.... DOF is infinite. it's when im using more like 23mm+ i need to worry about the rear focal limit.
(kenchan using DofF calculator on his droidx...

so the shorter the lens the less i need to worry about DOF... ok ok.. thanks for that!

i will shoot f/5.6-8 18mm-20mm from now on.
thanks for the focus point. im starting to understand this. so there's actually 2 areas the camera can focus on... DOF plane + within that plane, the actual focal point using the camera's artificial RED DOT focal point.
is that wat you're saying?