Troop, the darth vader Nismo will be sorely missed, luckily you joined the awesomeness of the whiteness club with your new ride (
FL 4Motion - you know who you are and what you need to do
). I let out a slow motion and distorted "Noooooooooooooooo" war cry when you told me you were getting riding of the Nismo; upon seeing the new WHITE pimp truck and hearing your valid reasons, I was very happy for you. The car looks fantastic and I'll be riding shotgun when you take it for donut spins
Originally Posted by TROOPER
Well the other thing to remember being a Brit
Shut the front door!!! You are not South African?? You are Brit?
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
Trooper, Im in the same boat as you brother, I dont wanna be working when Im in my 50s, Im killing my 401K, just dumping a crap load of money into it, and on top of that, Im making very good money in the stock market.
Great plan Jay. I very much enjoy what I do to abruptly stop in the 50s but I had been doing all the planning to be in a situation where I could afford to work part time "GOD willing of course", go back to be a firefighter volunteer or do what I love best on Earth (traveling around the World - Kirk is already living my retirement dream). Hey, another excellent retirement tool is the Roth IRA if you qualify for it. I had great returns with mine at Trowe had to stop contributing because income limits made me ineligible. It offers better returns than traditional IRA for most