Summer Fling 8/27/2011 BBBIIGGG!!!
Evening all,
Many of you have already joined our local facebook thread. If you haven't, please do so! PNW Nissan and Infiniti. You'll find a link there to our summer meet. Spring fling was INCREDIBLE, and the drive was awesome! We'll be more organized and will definitely have more attending members. It's gonna be awesome! JOIN US! Details are on the events page.
If you'd like to volunteer, please do say so! We're always looking for more help!
DETAILS ON EVENTS PAGE; LINK IS LOCATED ON PNW NISSAN AND INFINITI (FACEBOOK). If you don't have a FB account (shame on you lol), then please do contact me for details.
2010 G37S 6Sedan [4.083 FD||Fast Intentions||GT-Spec||HKS||Injen||Invidia||Osiris]