The Official "My ONE Favorite Shot/Pic of my Z" Thread
A lot of talk about Z's and PICS and DSLR's etc, lately. So I figured I'd start this thread. Mods, if you can leave this thread here for visibility, would be much appreciated.
To participate, must:
1) Post only ONE pic. Your all time favorite.
2) Must be of your OWN Z.... not a magazine or someone else's Z. (No ken, you can't post pics of Beach's Z  hehe)
3) Yes, photo editing is allowed.
4) Let's give it a week or so, then we all vote on the best pic... maybe we can narrow it down to top 3, then I can start a poll so we can vote. What does the winner get? hmmm.... would be nice if they got a DSLR, but for now, just a nice self-pat on the back and some forum recognition
Ok, I will start. I know my shots are not that good compared to some of you pros out here, but hey, I try  . I posted this before, but it's still my favorite of mine.
EDIT: changed to this:
2012 5.0 GT Prem, Kona Blue, 6MT, HID, Brembo, 3.73 -- Ordered: 9/20/11, Born on: 10/20/11, Delivered 11/15/11"Marilyn" GT500 mufflers/flaps, MGW shifter, FRPP K springs, BMR panhard bar, Boss coil covers, 3DC spoiler, Llumar Tint (35% and 20%), 3M ClearBra
Last edited by FromG2Z; 08-02-2011 at 08:33 AM.