Originally Posted by Cmike2780
In for results. Make a video for us if you can.
Also, you were probably planning on it already, but I would remove as much weight as possible (passanger seat, spare tire etc.). You could also try fattening up your friend more before the race 
Ya video is def. gonna happen. I am not taking out the seat LOL I'll do the spare and stuff but that is about it. As far as my friend, well my buddies have told me he has gotten bigger since I left so ya he is doing just fine
Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
ha, no, Import Convert, one of our members on here who currently drives a Z06, used to ahve a trans am ws6 and he's very quick to regale all of us, whether we want to hear it or not, of stories about it. It's kindof a running joke in some other threads. 
LOL Could you direct me to any threads where I can see some stories?
Originally Posted by Ridgerunner
Shuck any extra weight you have, get rid of the spare, jack, tow hook, lug wrench. No need for a full tank of gas. That is probably 80 pounds counting the gas weight if you run half a tank.
Ya I was thinking about doing all that before I head to the track. I was thinking about doing 3/4 of a tank b/c its like a 60 mile drive one way to the track. Do you think I will run into that fuel cut off that everyone rants about though? Anybody know anything about the stoptech slotted/drilled rotors? I was thinking of getting some and I would assume they are lighter than stock.