Originally Posted by ImportConvert
Improving technology is GREAT! But when you have a $9 mouse-trap with 30 moving parts that won't catch as many mice as the $0.99 mousetrap with 3 moving parts--you fail.
Again I am looking at improvements in technology, not sh
itty side upgrades. Wow, you keep throwing out arguments that make your point and avoid my side completely.
Again, the Nissan R35 engine plus manifold, downpipes (cats) and more making it 600lbs. I have yet to see just the motor weight in without all the OEM exhaust parts. I have picked up the OEM exhaust parts, each piece weights in around 15lbs which adds up quickly.
Great we agree on the LSx motors are fantastic which is not what I have been saying. I am saying the motors are dated and GM should look forward and not backwards.