Originally Posted by 370Ztune
This is pretty accurate! However, with regard to Zele and Amuse, it's a bit more than this actually. Zele in particular has no interest in making any new aero anytime soon. This is what they told me directly earlier this year when I was hanging out with them at Tokyo Auto Salon. Their reasoning is that while their sales are slow to fair domestically, they're afraid of the amount of replica parts companies out there. Even though Zele is cautious of export markets due to knock-offs, they still have to export because they need the revenues. As one of the biggest Zele dealers outside of Japan, we bring in quite a lot of it, but for every customer, we try to do our due-diligence to make sure parts don't end up in the hands of somebody that's going knock them off.
The same goes for Amuse. Matsui (the new president of Amuse) earlier this year told me directly that he very much wants to make new aero. However, it's a double-edged sword... Since the export markets are becoming much more important to Amuse's survival than even the domestic Japanese market, they need to sell here. However, they're afraid to make new body parts because they don't want their pieces to end up being copied abroad (the US is actually the biggest source of replica automotive aero companies, even more-so than China or Taiwan). This is especially true because of the high sunk costs in producing aero parts in Japan. It's virtually impossible to copy an Amuse exhaust exactly versus copying a fiberglass body panel, so that's where their main revenue stream is going towards.
As for the companies that produces replicas of high quality; why don't they start designing their own, completely original parts? Not "inspired by," not a modification to a kit that already exists from another manufacturer, but something totally original. It's most definitely cheaper to make aero in the US than in Japan, so if these companies produce their own designs that look good, they'll capitalize on the market because the parts will be affordable and good looking. However, this is not the case; these companies knock-off other designs because it's just "easier" than doing their own work.
part of the reason these companies produce replica's instead of making original designs in my opinion is this: They are copying designs they KNOW will sell, versus making something cool and original on the chance it won't sell.
I have been designing aero for a few years now, and I have only had one kit produced.. and bites on alot of my ideas... and unfortunatly for me, I didn't have the funds up front to buy stake in it, now, it's being sold, and I see nothing from it.
I have a few designed for the 370z and even a hood, but i need a company who wants to be original to help me out.