Thank you for finally exposing the JOKE called ZCON. Everytime I think about it I get annoyed. I have to call "Gordon Richards" to see how he likes my car and third place. When I went up to the stage I was told that someone crossed out my name and wrote Gordon Richards on my entrance sheet. It's sitting in my trunk with NO pen marks or cross outs of any kind.
Me and Dai should plan a Z car show for next year

. I'm sure we can do a much better job than the guys at ZCON did. At least we know the judging would not be rigged.
Anyway, your car is still BAD ***. We should really head up to ZdayZ in May. I'm going to reserve those days next week.
See you at Z1 on Saturday.
BTW, I'm feeling a certain way about you not having any pics of my car on here....