Personally, I see nothing wrong with buying replicas. Not for engine components, but anything visual, it's fair game. If product A is JDM and $1600 shipped to my door and product B is a replica with the same fit and finish for $600 shipped to my door, it's going to be hard for me (personally) to not buy the replica and pocket $1000 for other mods.
Importing JDM anything is a complete ripoff for the product you are buying. I don't care how anyone wants to justify it, it's overpriced. If there wasn't a demand for these replica kits, there wouldn't be replica kits. Not everyone want's to pay $800 for a lip..but they see no problem paying $250 for it.
2010 Magnetic Black Metallic 370Z 6M
stillen gen 3 CAI - topspeed test pipes - invidia gemini CBE - UpRev tune
301whp (HP Logic Mustang Dyno)