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Old 07-26-2011, 11:31 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by WarmAndSCSI View Post
I'd rather give you a warm kick in the pants than put on a facade of "oh hi there, welcome to the site!" Seems a lot more useful to me

But you've come down to 2 very good choices for cars that are very well built, come quick out of the box, have nice-ish (ish referring to the Evo) interiors, and are relatively affordable. If you envision wanting to modify the car and make it much faster than stock, go with the Evo. If you don't plan on doing any modifications to the car, choose the 370Z. It is a much better driver's car - stock-for-stock - than the Evo X. It is better balanced, smoother, lighter, more horsepower, etc... I honestly prefer how the stock 370Z drives to the Evo X. It's tighter and more responsive.

I will tell you that insurance on the 370Z will cost almost 2x as much as for the Evo X. It's purely ridiculous how expensive it is. My Evo retailed at around $37.5k ... the Z was more like $34k. It doesn't make any sense to me that our Z literally costs twice as much to insure as the slightly older Evo X. The Evo is BY FAR more expensive to repair because of all of its moving parts.

And to answer your question, I sell and market illicit drugs for a living. But no, not really, I'm a senior software developer and also do contract software work on the side.
Saying you're a software developer doesn't explain how you can afford both of those cars at age 22. I'm a software engineer and make a good salary (enough to afford a 370 at least) but I didn't graduate college until I was 22.5 and even though I don't have any student loans or debt, I don't have a huge stockpile of money to blow either. The only thing I can think of is you come from a well off family and already had a pretty good savings, or you didn't go to a 4 year school, or you literally just graduated and you're really confident that you won't lose your job so you justify the high monthly payments. Not trying to be a **** here, but I'm actually pretty interested in how you can afford both cars at age 22. Maybe you're a genius that skipped three grades in elementary school or something? Or drugs, haha.
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