Originally Posted by FromG2Z
Yeah I hear ya... I shot a few of those shots last night in aperture mode, some in shutter mode, some in full auto. I'm not good at it by any means... I just shoot and play, I guess. That's the beauty of digital shots, just keep shooting! And when all else fails, just put it in auto. It gets in right 85-90% of the time.
yah, that last shot looks especially tuff cause the sun is on a pretty low angle and you have a lot of cars facing different directions with all sorts of shadows + high exposure on the hood on the farther end of the image...so i'd probably try a manual mode 50-55mm with f/22-25 on a tripod nail 1/4 to the left center of the image, meter mid-exposure and shoot with a 2 sec timer.
mr.onzedge, beach, your comments please!
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Had a big moment on my kenchan home from Williamsport.
Hit a wet spot while changing lanes at highway speed and the car gave me a wicked tank-slapper that must have looked something like what we saw at Silverstone two weeks ago. Resolved to order my RE-11's next paycheck.
Upon purchasing a new caliper retaining bolt from my local Nissan dealer, (yeah, I lost one due to my absentminded, distracted reassembly  ) I realized that my jack will no longer slide past the FI exhaust to reach the rear differential on my now lower car. So it's off to Home Depot to get some 2X10's to drive the car up onto.
Had bath time this morning.
dang... which tires are you running now??

at 2x10's.

they do just as good as those shallow ramps.