Originally Posted by FromG2Z
Thanks guys!!! Yeah I got tired of Ken asking me where my DSLR is... LOL... take THAT.  Pics look a little better Ken? I didn't even shoot those in RAW mode
As for the leather bra, HAHA... don't worry, you guys aren't the ONLY ones giving me a hard time about that. Essentially, I had blue tape over the clear bra, then the leather bra on top of that. Why? Because I'm utterly ridiculous. LOL. I now think that my clear bra is like my paint, hence I must protect it further.... Aren't I terrible? I know I have issues.....
That STi is my buddy's... his is a 2011, mods include an Invidia exhaust (same as mine), then a stage 1 accessport. Sounds mean. He plans a stage 2 next.

yah, we got so use to your DSLR shots i was like

when i saw your cel pict.

ive not shot in RAW mode yet. i'll see how the D3100's decoder compares vs photoshop element's processing. at my level i dont think it's going to make much of a difference.... i have other issues (exposure, focus area, metering) to worry about first.