Ken- that's the right idea... one step at at a time. I have been shooting seriously for about 5 years now and am not even close to where I want to be.
Originally Posted by jclee01
this weekend i was traveling home from dinner with my soon-to-be wife and we were cruising about 80mph on the interstate. suddenly we noticed a deer standing in the middle of the road. naturally i hit the brakes and amazingly went from 80 to <10mph in a split second. thank God i got the 370z with the sport package brakes! i have only had my z for about 4 weeks but man do i love it!
Nice save!
Originally Posted by Fire
LOL don't take his crap Beach
When I come back in my next life, I want to be him!!! When they say "dog's live" they are talking about his.
Originally Posted by Juruki
got new tires today! Bridgestone Potenza RE-11
edit: i think these tire sizes fit the sports wheels much better than the OEM setup
They look awesome.
So glad I went with the 285s!!! Going to try and get them mounted in the next couple of days.
'10 ZR Black Cherry Sport/Touring/Nav, Swift Springs, Stillen G3s, 15mm-F 20mm-R Spacers, SPC, Spoiler Solutions Rear Wing, Stubby Antenna