Originally Posted by FromG2Z
Honestly WHERE have you guys all been??? So far, I only know Steve (srbrubak), myself, Ryan (boris00), and nismodreamer from Iowa. The first 3 folks are all from the Cedar Rapids area
You all need to hook up with us. We need more Z's in the area
As for your original question, don't drive your Z in the winter Just get a 10 year old beater that you don't care about.
Well, I recently graduated from UI so there was no way I could afford a Z before getting my current job. Still don't have my Z but I'm looking to get one either soon or wait until the spring. I'm going tomorrow to test drive an 09 Z34 so wish me luck.
I live in IC but work in Cedar Rapids. I've seen several 350's and one or two 370z's around the area, now I wonder if maybe some of them go here...