Originally Posted by chuckd05
are those PS2s for the viper? 335s? How much do they run ? lol
i got them off tire rack, they are 345/30/19... and a little expensive :P..
Originally Posted by Waizzz
Wow both a Nismo and a Viper, hats off to you sir 
Thank you Sir :tip hat:
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Will it be ready by this Saturday when we are doing the painting? Are you still coming to watch?
That's exactly what I want to do when I buy my next car. I want to buy a Lamborghini just to own one for a bit and then maybe buy a GT-R or something.
Are you moving back to Saudi permanently or just visiting?
to answer your questions, i'm still planing to come this saturday (so far nothing came up, i'm really interested to see how the plastidip will come out.
and yes, once i graduate from my masters i'm moving back permanently (jobs there offer much more than here + tax free

), but i'll be coming back to visit here a lot!