Originally Posted by Cmike2780
Jeez Blades... Over 12k post in 7 months? 65 post a day on average?.... seriously, how is that even possible.
Originally Posted by Red__Zed
I heard he gave up pooping.
Originally Posted by Econ
and i thought i was a post whore with ~12 per day.
i dont think i could find 65 places to post per day. Hes probably just talking to himself in the alaska/japan section.
Just from being on here like all day. Have my phone with me all day so I will post a lot when I have down time at work or school. A lot of my posts are in the OG Conference rooms (usually 1k+ posts per month) and in the popped thread. Also had a bunch of posts in Word Association, but I got tired of that thread and gave it up.