Originally Posted by MacCool
For the US-import P229s prior to about 2005, the frames were made in Germany and the slides were milled from stainless steel in the US. The current US versions are now completely made in Exeter at SigArms. The problems that I keep hearing are with the US-made frames, not the slides. Mainly assembly, quality control, and quality of component frame parts...especially springs, hammers, trigger bars, and grips. One problem my buddy has seen lately has been failure of the pin that pins the breech block to the slide. The German-made Sigs use a solid pin, SigArms now uses a roll pin that is prone to loosening, he says.
My P229 is the original German version.
I never gave any thought to it before, I had to get mine out and look! Slide stamped, MADE IN W. GERMANY. The frame has no markings, but the serial number.