Originally Posted by V8Killer
I agree with you on the not many of us 370z owners being around. For myself I am probably the only owner in a 50 mile radius. I rarely see another 370z. Most 350's that are around I do the wave and or flash the headlights but only the ones I pass on the regular will do it back others just keep driving. Just a shame b/c well all I want to do is chat about the Z. I saw a guy who had a 350 and I decided to follow him since he was pulling into my sisters store, we get on a side road and he guns it, well its only a 45 and he turned into the parking lot anyway. So I pull up next to him it was in good shape had some nice rims on it and I said hey man nice car I really like your rims you have any engine work done? Response was a weird face and a huh? He went into my sister's store so I followed b/c I was going to talk to her anyway and we were the only ones in the store and my sister says what's up and I responded in a voice loud enough to hear me,"Apparently people can't take compliments anymore and just b/c they can stop on the gas they assume they are bad ***" Story get's worse but I don't want to jack the thread. Anyways yes I agree where is the love? 
Fisticuffs? Gunplay?
Axis Angle 20" Powdercoated/GTR Start Button/Alpine Type R/Nismo CBE/K&N Drop Ins/Mishimoto Post MAF Hoses/Illuminated Kick Plates/Z1 15 mm Fr and 20 mm R spacers/SoundStream 7" Touch Screen/Stillen Adjustable Sway Bars