Originally Posted by need4speed
Well said. Well spoken. Whether we agree or disagree ( which I mostly agree) we ahould respect peoples opinions and have discussions with respect.
I can tell by the way a lot of people write on here. They need this car to define them as a man.
The lack of respect for peoples opinion in the forum is gettin outta control.
Everyone in here is a lover of the same car. Whether we have positive or negative posts.
We should do it to aid in uplifting the brand. Not belittling each others opinions.
We will all have different experiences in life. Share n help or give ur experience.
End the mocking and downtalking already.
If owning a Z makes u a better man in your mind? Then u r still not a man yet.
A real man is defined by the respect he has for self and others.
Originally Posted by tommyguns
Now I call all that
. I will respect the fact that a person can post an opinion....but I don't have to respect the fact foundation of an argument they are making in their posting no matter if we own or like the same car or not.
Attacking what the person says is not attacking the person. Unfortunately you and a majority of others who have bought into the
idea of POLITICAL CORRECT communication have grossly mistaken the two entirely different things as being one-and-the-same.
I don't have a problem with the person posting an opinion..but when some one posts something and then bolsters their statement with some illogical non-fact pattern or some statistical measure that is pulled right out of the poster's
then yes I am going to attack the argument. And yes I might even fling a little personal piece of poo at them too since I had to wade through the uninformed and unsupported
they used to support their opinion.
If a person is going to post an opinion, then in my books, make it an educated opinion...not something completely pulled from their heart, butt or from some magician's hat.