Originally Posted by SPOHN
Not saying you are but I wouldn't hate on the rotors. They took some hard beating as it sounds with some good pads.
I just wonder if it's best for me to just keep replacing my rotors with stock ones being I probably wouldn't be as hard on them as you guys? I'm trying to be a budget minded racer. I do want some Carbotech pads. Not as agressive as you have though. I know a lot og guys talk so highly of Carbotech and how there more rotor friendly than other pads. But heat is another thing I assume?
Carbotech has different pads to choose from, if you're going to go w/a less aggressive setup (like I am) you could just run XP8's all around. Seeing as you're "on a budget", I'd simply keep using the stock rotors and replacing them as needed since they're, what, $70 a piece? And will last longer w/a less aggressive pad.