Originally Posted by SgtGoldy
Speaking of ammo, I started strongly considering reloading. Just bought 500rds of Federal .45acp. $203.00 later, I thought "screw this, Ima reload these".
I think if I was shooting that stuff I might consider reloading myself. But since I just shoot 9mm it's probably not that cost effective to spend the time doing it myself. I picked up 20 boxes of Federal FMJ at Wally World today for $11.49 a box... not too bad. Though it does appear that prices have gone up a bit... Probably can save a bit of money by ordering online now.
Oh, tried some new stuff in the 870 today: Centurion 1 1/8 oz rifled slugs and RIO Royal 00 Buck Low Recoil.
The Centurion slugs are nice. They fly nice and straight (out to 50 yds... indoor range), fire fairly cleanly, and are relatively cheap. They are $15.95 for a box of 50 from SGAmmo.com. I ordered 250 more rounds of tonight... I like 'em! The only thing I noticed is that they seem to run just a hair longer than 2 3/4" which means I can only load the tube with 5 shells instead of 6... that's not a big deal for bulk range slugs, though.
The RIO Buck wasn't that bad. A little bit less of a punch compared to the Remington 2 3/4" 00 Buck I was shooting before but man does it stink and fire pretty dirty. I want to say they were about $22 for 50 so its not too bad, but buck is not really much fun to shoot at the range IMO so I doubt I'll order any more of this stuff. I did order some Sellier & Bellot 00 and #4 to try, though.