Originally Posted by AlexRaymond19
I came out of a store to find a whole parking lot empty except for me and a uhaul truck... I dont know what posses people to park next to me when i park far away, but it seems like it happens every day... Now granted he did leave me plenty of room, but its the principle
Dude, that is totally worth waiting however long it takes for that idiot to come back to his truck and just ask him "WHY EVEN DO THIS"????
I get so pissed when people get close to my car when it is totally not necessary. My car stays in a garage most of the time and just the other day I had come home from a cruise and was just running in to grab something real fast and what do I see??? My neighbors kid riding up my driveway on his tricycle to go up to his door. I almost sh!t a brick as he peddled up next to the car. WHY?!?!?! Use YOUR DRIVEWAY!!!