Originally Posted by TX_370
Do you realize that Obama SIGNED for all that bailout money and it did no good except break a record for national debt...
11 trillion dollars
U.S. National Debt Clock
Oh yeah im so excited for American the new Socialist country, different subject though.
Obama, socialist that he is pisses me off less than CONgress, who should be listening to their constituents instead of lobbyists and being bullied around by the aforementioned socialist.
The deficit is really much larger than they are letting on because they dont factor in emergency supplementals and other unfunded liabilities, so this years deficit will likely top $2T in reality.
Originally Posted by Pushing_Tin
Yes I am aware. My point was the economy was spiraling downward prior to January 20th and the Bush adminstration had already racked up a massive debt thanks to borrowing from the Chinese.
Or does Hannity/Rush not talk about those details? 
In actuality (imo) it never recovered from the dot com bust. The "real estate boom" was really just
Tulip Mania