Originally Posted by Ghost
Thank you.

Glad to help
I'm about to do another change (getting close to 35k)
I can tell with the hot summers I get when I'm getting higher mileage on my oil. I just hit the 5k mark or so on this change (with no track time or anything) and I'm noticing some slightly higher numbers. I still almost never touch the 200deg mark regardless, I just prefer when it stays closer to 180deg since that's my 100% threshold on my adapter.
BTW, to give you perspective, I've gotten in my car a few times and the water temp has been really close to nominal. Just a steady heat as of late, I'm sure AZ is used to it lol.
EDIT: Forgot to mention.. Still ZERO issues with my setup. Flooding rains, track time, hotttt summers; no leaks, burning, sweating, anything. Hell, the other day I had no choice but to straddle some debris in a construction area and I ran over a chunk of concrete. I have yet to get my car lifted up, but from what I could see my ladder brace may actually be broken. No conflict with the oil cooler setup. Honestly, this is the first time I've ever been truly glad to have the plastic cover under my motor.