Hey Guys,
As some of you know I bought the TT GTM G37 that I was help selling for a buddy of mine. And I know some of you remember the STI I had purchased before that. Well I sold the STI and bought the G37 mainly for a few facts...
David needed to sell his car quick
The STI had the worse Gas mileage of any car I ever owned!!!
Now when I first bought the G37 TT I figured that the car would be about the same if not a a little better than the STI well I will let you guys judge for yourself if you think TT is bad on Gas mileage:
STI City: 12-16mpg
STI HWY: 14-19mpg
Stock 370z City: 17-19mpg
Stock 370z HWY: 23-27mpg
GTM TT G37 City: 17-25mpg
GTM TT G37 HWY: 27-38mpg
I have been recording my mileage since I bought the car and I will say it is the best and most fuel efficient car I have ever owned. I can set the car to cruise control on the hwy @ 80mph and get 35-38mpg all day long. 55-65mph is even higher!!! Whoever, says going TT will ruin your MPG is full of it!!! I have pictures of my results that I can post if people want me to. I cannot speak for SC'ing your car but if you drive your car normal you can get hypermileage results!

This last 19gal tank of gas should get me around 600miles with combined city and hwy!!!