Originally Posted by CrownR426
Sorry if I sounded like a douchebag... 
But I've tried to hold some meets but everyone is always busy or flakes at the end.
I've become real close friends with a few members on the forums cause we were the only ones meeting up constantly.
Usually people from the other forums come on and make a post.
I will keep everyone posted! 
Nah it's cool man haha.I understand how it is.Being a z31 owner I myself try to get z31s to come out to Z events to show we exist and they barely ever make it(You should see z31.com.That forum is so dead in terms of conversation or keeping together with events).All except for my good friend that has a Shiro Special.I guess part of the reason I'd expect lots of 370s' to go is because it's a newer car with a nice spread out age group crowd.No offense to my own z31 friends but most are pretty grouchy and flakey.I def appreciate popping in the forums and stuff.