Originally Posted by shadoquad
Whoa, man. I'm just talking about the feel of the car. If you want me to admit I was wrong about torque, ok, fine
I was saying that what IC said about the Corvette was surprising.
If you're telling me that your Z hard launches at 3k, then fantastic for you, speed racer.
I think what I said was mis-taken.
To me, the 370Z feels linear. You floor it, and your acceleration increases directly proportionate to RPM.
With the Z06, you floor it, and acceleration seems to be exponential. It explodes off the line, pins you back through the mid-range, and only gets nastier. I never meant to indicate that it felt "weak" down low or anything of the sort. Floor it at any rpm in first and you're going to light those 325's up. It needs to be rolled into so some weight transfer gets to take place. There is no torque shortage...there is just MOAR!!!! up top.
The 370Z just pins you back and keeps you there with roughly the same force all the way through whatever gear you are in.
That is how it felt *to me*.
I then looked at a dyno and said "hey...that's why!"