Originally Posted by FromG2Z
I agree, Alchemy. Your car looks hawwwwwt. And your HDR photos rock. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, tips for shooting HDR? Isn't it just merely taking at LEAST 3 shots via a tripod? one low exposure, one high exposure, and one normal? Then just blend into one? What software do you use to blend? I have a D60 fyi...
Sorry to jump in, but I hope this helps.
I'm not sure if the D60 is capable, but the easiest way is to use the bracketing function on your camera to take multiple shots at different exposures, you can do up to 5 for HDR but 3 is ok. Use a remote trigger. Any movement will cause blurry areas. You can manually adjust the exposure after every shot, but you do risk moving the camera ever so slightly which could ruin your HDR shot. Photomatix is a good program and relatively inexpensive. Give the trial a shot, it is fully functional, but leaves a watermark on the image when you print. The newer versions of Photoshop have a pretty good HDR plug-in also but PS is pretty pricey.
Photomatix Website
Beginners Guide to HDR