My setup isn't going to be a insert per say. More as a flat shape plate that will be massaged to fit the cubby hole. It will be somewhat recessed into the the hole but close to flush. If you study the cubby you will see where the leather folds in and the velvet itself has a squared edge just in the inside. This is where the plate will lie. Plus the the plate will have to be slightly rolled to fit the curvature along with with massaging it to fit over the bottom arc making it one piece. Then I'll probably have four allen head screw to hold in place at each corner.
So basicly it a simple design like you'd see in a race car. Then I'll drill a hole for a gauge. Mostly dead center. Wish I could place two but there's really no other gauge that's worth having. The setup might look simple and plain but it's a worthy cause. Plus it's better than just a plain door that's doesn't serve a purpose for myself.