Originally Posted by SPOHN
Nice work on the spoiler.
Thanks SPOHN.
Originally Posted by 370Z JT
i need to do the same to my spoiler.
Do some 50/50s, those are always very satisfying. Pretty shocking how much marring there was though...
Originally Posted by Boost_lee
nice progress. Sucks about the change in plans, only for my sake  I think you made a sound decision.
Funny about losing the circlip during the spring install; mine flew into the opening that leads to the door molex and I lost it also.
Haha, well you have the body mods to balance out the larger wing so I say go for it! The only other thing holding me back on the VIP wing other than the size is the fact that it rises to a point, I wish it had a flatter top. The workmanship is top notch, but I think that it would just be a bit much for my otherwise stock exterior.