Nissan 370Z-Dumb A$$ magnet
Going out to dinner last night we needed to stop at Kinko's on the way. I pull into the mall parking lot as someone is backing out of their space. I stopped but they kept backing towards me. I honked they kept coming. I honked some more they kept coming. Just before they hit me I threw it in reverse but only made it a few feet because in my haste I stalled it. So I'm laying on the horn when they finally stopped backing and drove off. Wheww that was a close one.
Dumb A$$
After dinner we are heading home about 9 pm. We are on a busy four lane road (for those of you in Austin, Oltorf in front of Travis High), when we top a hill there is a car in the middle of the road attempting a three point turn around. I might has been able to stop but as they are in the backing phase I decided to jump to the outside lane and drive past them, surely they see me coming with head lights on. As I'm going past them they throw it in drive and ram us!
Dumb A$$
Drivers rear quarter dented, wheel and bumper scuffed. Other driver has no license, no insurance, isn't sure of her address and had an unrestrained child in the car. She thought she could drive because her baby's daddy has a license.
Off to the body shop now. I've put 1400 miles on the car since I got it. When we bought my wife's Acura TL it lasted two weeks before somebody hit it while parked and them drove off. $5200. More stuff more problems, I'm learning.