Originally Posted by docaam
if you can get hold of some painter it would be better I asked the guy to make a mixture of 2 part black paint and 8part clear coat and spray two coats, then some wet sanding and then wax polish. Total it will take an hour max.
Cool. I wouldn't be able to get a mixture from the painter and do it myself though. Just trying to save some money by using the VHT instead of getting it done professionally. Also, it's always fun to work on your own car. Had my first experience yesterday with installing an exhaust on my car.
Originally Posted by SPOHN
That's what i did, masked off the hole rear. Much easier. Just get the masking tape behind the light using a card of some sort to push in behind.
To the op, nice turn out on your lights.
Originally Posted by JAKES Z
You can easily do this in a few hours (if you've never removed tails/painted before) from start to finish. There's a few DIYs that show you how to remove the plastic in the back and get at the tail lights; It's very easy. DIY: of complete FOG LAMP install I used the parts of this DIY that show how to remove the tails.
The third break light is a pain in the *** to remove so I chose to leave it on, mask behind, and paint on the car-- It was painless.
Thanks guys! Looks like with enough masking/prep I should be ok to do it without taking the lights out. Any issues with leaving it in the sun or anything? I should probably keep it away from trees if I can to avoid pollen getting into the paint before it dries. Don't have a garage of my own, so I may need to leave it in my cousin's garage for a few hours.