Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Working dammit
Yeah Steve and I installed it yesterday evening. We were kind of hurrying to get it done while there was still daylight outside so I didn't get to take many pics. I have one video of Steve stealing my Z after installing the exhaust, but I couldn't upload it at work because I need a wifi connection. I will try to get with one of my friends later tonight to make a better video with his camera instead of my phone. If you want to do the video, I can come hang out with you for it. I will probably be getting of work late today though, around like 6:30-7.
You working and not trying to reach the supa dupa elite level????
That was cool of Steve to hook you up with install, post up the vid when you are ready on youtube. I doubt there would be any editing needed.
Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Give enough advance notice and I'll come rape you all <3

Oh Is that so Alabama bama? How's Alabama treating you? Do you hate it yet?