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Old 07-05-2011, 08:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Drives: 2010 Nismo MB
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Default Does this happen to you...

.. when driving your Z??... It seems the majority of times I am driving my Nismo that I'll get challenged to a race. I've had WRXs spooling up behind me waiting for an opportunity to pass, at red lights I've been challenged by Mustangs. Though today took the cake when I pulled up next to a DPW pick-up truck at a red light. When the light turned green, the driver of the DPW pick-up gunned it off the line.

Let me add that I am in the minority age group for owners of Zs. I'm 50+ and always get a chuckle when someone attempts to race me. I don't drive or act like I am looking to race. In fact most of the time I will have my wife in the car with me. Of course I never attempt to oblige them.

So.. have any of you had similar experiences?

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