Got some road paint on my car
I searched long and hard but to be honest I've never been able to get a hand of this thing called the search function.
Anyhow, I have encountered a major problem. While this isn't on a Z car, I thought that perhaps you guys could help out. On my way to the shop yesterday I was forced to run over some freshly painted lines to get onto the highway (I know this because the painters were a couple hundred feet up ahead). Why they were doing this in the evening, close to rush-hour, where tens of thousands of cars would be stepping over those lines in the next half-hour, boggles my mind. From what I can tell, the paint was really fresh. Most of it splattered inside of my wheel-wells, which doesn't really bother me, because it will eventually fall off with time. What is making me fume is the fact some of it got into the side vents and somehow splattered all over my doors, and some of it made it onto the sill extensions. Thank God none of it got on the rims, because that would have been an expensive pain in the butthole.
I noticed this once I got to the shop, and managed to get most of the fresh paint off with a paper towel and some dishwashing liquid (which is all I could find in that god-forsaken place). Most if not all of the big globs were taken off this morning with the use of my trusty fingernails, so I'm left with dots ranging from pin-head size to maybe a bit bigger. It's hardly noticeable to be completely honest with you as the dots blend in with the mica flakes, so you really have to look closely; but the mere thought of them being there is enough to drive me nuts. This morning I tried removing it with some Langka Blob Eliminator, but was promptly reminded by my subconscious that this stuff doesn't work on latex-based paints. I proceeded with Bug & Tar, but to no avail. It helped, but not a whole lot.
So now I'm left with only a few options. I definitely want to try out as many things as I can before I bring the car to my mother's cousins so that he can wet sand or lay down a rubbing compound on it (seeing as I don't have the equipment to do this myself anymore). I'm going to go to the local Canadian Tire and buy a fresh clay bar and try that. If that doesn't work, I'm all out of ideas.
What do you guys think?
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George S. Patton Jr., 1885-1945
Last edited by Alexus; 07-21-2009 at 10:19 AM.