Originally Posted by whealy
I'm pretty sure you can't program one steering wheel control to do two functions. I was in the same boat with my JVC install. But I never go "backwards" when listening to songs or the radio. So I programed my back toggle to go forwad though my radio station list. So up skips songs and tunes the radio depending on mode. Down skips preset radio station. Can be confusing if someone else is driving my car ... but why would I care? If I need the back functions, I use the head unit. Just another suggestion.
Actually, you can. You don't program the Axxess, it's just how the setup is on your HU.
Mine goes forward and back on my iPod, jumps presets on my FM tuner and skips forward when streaming Pandora or Slacker (won't go back because those programs won't let you go back). If I had XM, it would also control that.